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I've recently been playing with Lightwave, and have produced a most excellent animated logo :)
I converted it to a ham6 320x480 IFF anim, so that AMOS could play it.
After writing a quick testing routine to see how fast it would play back. It started playing nice and fast, but then suddenly as soon as the lensflare came into view, the screen trashed quite spectacually and crashed.
I guessed that the frame was too big, so I reserved a massive amount of memory, but it still happened.
I then reduced the anim to 320x240, but again the screen got trashed just after the lensflare and for about 15 frames after that, but then returned to normal.
After a bit of messing around I found that any frame over about 42k just wouldn't render. I finally had to cut the anim down to 320x200, which finally got it running.
I'd really like to have it in 320x480, because it looked much nicer. So, is there any way of getting large anims to work in amos, or an extention that has support for a different format? (I really don't want to have to use an external program to play them...)
See ya.
Manta Soft - Amiga programing & web page designing